Today I would like to show you a very simple version of cardigan, which I introduced in the previous article. It’s shorter version of cardigan made according to the Pattern for women’s reversible cardigan.

Pattern for women’s reversible cardigan (sizes 32 – 60)
Recommended material
Suitable materials for this cardigan are same as for the basic (longer) version. Use some kind of medium/thick knit (elastic material).
I’ve used furry tracksuit fabric (sometimes marketed as warmkeeper or alpenfleece) from You can get it here:
Grey / blue fabric is from the same store:
You can also use sweater knits and combed or uncombed tracksuit fabrics (with elastane).

If you are going to sew this version with visible seams and unfinished (raw) cutting edges, then look for fabrics that retain a nice edge without fraying.

If you are going to sew this version with visible seams and unfinished (raw) cutting edges, then look for fabrics that retain a nice edge without fraying.
Sewing instructions for basic version of this pattern can be found here:
Reversible cardigan RAW BERRIES - Sewing instructions
This sewing tutorial is based on the original article about full-length cardigan. Take a look at that article if you get stuck.

Visible seams
This cardigan has visible seams, which means that its pieces are sewed together reverse side to reverse side. I’m using “furry” sides as my reverse sides. Lay front pieces on the back piece (reverse sides to reverse side). Pin or temporarily stitch shoulder seams. Sew the shoulder seams. Press the seam allowances open...

...and sew through them with wide decorative stitch (with zigzag stitch, for example)

My machine is able to sew up to 9 mm wide stitches, but this varies - choose widest stitch possible on your machine. Use elastic zigzag stitch (my case), 3-step zigzag, or basic zigzag stitch. I kept length of the seam at 3 mm.

This is what it looks like from the other side.

Cut off excess parts of the seam allowances.
Now sew your sleeves to the armholes (reverse side to reverse side).

Next pin the side seam and the sleeve seam and sew them in one go. Do the same on the other side of your cardigan. Be patient and take your time when sewing through the seam allowances as it is quite difficult to do in the sleeves.

Shorter version of your cardigan is ready!
You can get pattern for this cardigan my online store:
Pattern for women’s reversible cardigan (sizes 32 – 60)
Have a nice day, Peťa