The pattern for women's (not only) sports T-shirt is hot news. You can use this pattern to sew a great T-shirt for exercise or hiking in nature. However, if you choose fabrics of muted colors or subtle patterns, you can also wear it to work, for example. The pattern is therefore versatile, and it is available in sizes 32 - 46. The shirt has two yokes that give it its nice shape.

The pattern for the women’s sports T-shirt is now available in the online store.
The pattern for women’s sports T-shirt YOGA.

Recommended material
The pattern for women’s sports T-shirt is designed for thinner knits. Very elastic “sports” materials are suitable. You can use, for example, functional knit, microfresh knit, and microfresh swimwear fabric. You can also use viscose knit, but beware, they tend to be thin and lively, so working with them can be a bit tricky. Another option is classic cotton knit – but look for thinner one (sometimes labeled as “T-shirt knit/fabric”) with elastic fibers (elastane, lycra...). The proportion of elastic fibers in the cotton knit should be at least 5%.
I bought the material for this T-shirt in the store. There you can find other types of fabrics mentioned above. I chose patterned cotton knit and beautiful “monochromatic” cotton knit - kerosene with highlights.
You can get these fabrics here:
Required amount of material
For all sizes (32 - 46) and 140 cm wide fabric you will need 60 cm of main fabric and 40 cm of secondary fabric for yokes and sleeves.

Sew a (sports) T-shirt either on an overlock or a classic sewing machine. You don't have an overlock machine? No problem, just follow these steps:
If you are not exactly an experienced sewers and you will use a regular sewing machine, then I recommend choosing a cotton knit. Sports materials and viscose knits are relatively difficult to sew on a classic sewing machine. On the other hand, if you like trying new things... ;-)

Sewing instructions
Cuts preparation
Podle papírového střihu si připravíme:
According to the paper pattern prepare:
• Main fabric: 1x bottom front piece (cut on fold) and 1x bottom back piece (cut on fold)
• Secondary fabric: 1x front yoke (cut on fold), 1x back yoke (cut on fold), 2x sleeve piece

Make small notches (cuts) on the centers of the yoke seams of the front and back pieces. They will help you align the pieces correctly.

Let’s start with the front pieces. Place the bottom front piece face side up and put the upper front piece on top of it (face side down). Pin the yoke seam. Start pinning in the middle of the seam (use marks to align the pieces).

Next pin one side of the yoke seam...

...then the other one. Be careful not to stretch or deform the pieces in any way. The seam should be even and free of tension.

Pin the other yoke seam (back of the T-shirt) in the same way.

Sew both seams.

Iron the seams and press the seam allowances towards the center of their curve - down (away from the yoke) at the back, up (towards the yoke) at the front.

After ironing, you should be able to see how the pieces take on their shape.

Side seams & Sleeve seams
Lay the front piece over the back piece (face side to face side) and sew both side seams.

Also, fold the sleeves and sew both sleeve seams.

Turn the sleeves face side out and insert them into the armscyes. Align the top of the sleeve with the shoulder seam and sleeve seam with the side seam. Marks on the sleeves and marks on the front piece should also be aligned. Sew the sleeves to the torso. Pull free ends of the thread chain under the loops when using an overlock.

Neck opening hem
Use a knit strip to hem the neckline. Your strip should be 3.5 cm wide and its length depends on the circumference of the neck opening. Measure the circumference of the neck opening with a tailor's tape laid on its side and multiply the result by 0.8 or 0.9 (depends on the elasticity of your material) to find out the correct length of the strip. Then cut your strip along the weft (crosswise grain), so that it’s stretchy along the length.
Sew the hem and iron it thoroughly.

Other hems
The last thing you need to do is finish the bottom hem of the T-shirt and sleeve hems. First clean the cutting edges (on an overlock, or pinking stitch, for example) Pull free ends of thread chain under the loops when sewing on overlock. Fold cutting edges 3 cm to the reverse side. Pin the fold and sew through both layers of fabric with some kind of elastic stitch (from the face side).

Your sports T-shirt is finished. It wasn't too complicated, was it? How do you like the new pattern for a sports T-shirt? Will you try it?
You can take a closer look at this pattern here:
The pattern for women’s sports T-shirt YOGA.
Have a nice day, Petra